Life Lessons From a Chocolate Chip Cookie

I recently ran across an audio interview of Wally "Famous" Amos that was very inspiring about life lessons and business lessons. In this interview Wally Amos shares how making a decision to make a commitment at age 39 was the beginning of Famous Amos cookies.

He says, "It does and I think that even more powerful than making the decision what comes as a package deal is making the commitment. Commitment is I will, not I hope, I guess, or maybe, or I’ll try, no when you commit to do something you say it. I will do this regardless and once you have that commitment in hand nothing can stop you."

I love how he breaks down key words that hold people back like challenges, fear, attitude, etc.

Hopefully you will take the time to listen to this interview that I found at Michael Senoff's hard to find seminars with Wally "Famous" Amos and like it as much as I did. CLICK HERE to go to interview.